
A world leader in resin dryer and variety of auxiliary equipment, Matsui has advanced technology with unique innovation that can dramatically help industries process more, faster, with less effort.

Drying of Plastics Enhances Quality of Molding.
Moisture content in plastics adversely affects the quality of molding. Excessive moisture in resins leads to products with unacceptable sturdiness, silver streaks and holes. Dryers serve to remove moisture from resins to prevent molding of such defective products. At times, the increase of temperature is used to enhance the plasticity during molding.

MJ3 Portable Desiccant Dryer/Loader, MGD Portable Hot Air Dryer/Loader, DMZ Portable Desiccant Dryer and more…


Mold Temp Controls

Optimum mold temperature control is the key to stabilizing molding quality and shortening molding cycle.

MC Series Mold Temperature Controller
(High and low temperature Water & Oil)

The extremely economical MC Series accurately monitors and maintains temperatures to within 1 degree of set point, and maintains the optimum production temperature four times every second. As a result, target temperatures are hit with precision and are accurately maintained cycle after cycle, maximizing your output and minimizing rejects.



Quiet, efficient vacuum hopper loaders featuring dual dust collection system that effective removes dust and helps double conveying capacity.

They can be mounted on a single or multiple machines.